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Rescheduling an appointment

Moving an appointment to a new date and/or time in Schedulista

Matt Tucker avatar
Written by Matt Tucker
Updated over a week ago

Schedulista is designed to allow your clients to book appointments themselves online. Clients can also reschedule their appointment online.

You are also able to set appointments for clients directly on your calendar and in the mobile app, if needed. And you can reschedule appointments for clients directly on your calendar or through the mobile app.


Rescheduling on your calendar

(1) You can reschedule an appointment simply by clicking and dragging that appointment tile from its original date & time to a new date & time. This is available on the Week view and the Day view of the calendar.

(2) When you move an appointment, a Reschedule Appointment dialog will prompt you with the option to Send notification or not. If you select Yes, the client will be sent a confirmation of their appointment by email for their records.

(3) (Optional) If you choose to send notification, you can also add a custom message to the client for this appointment. This will be in addition to any custom messages you've set for all services or for any specific services.

(4) Click Save to reschedule the appointment

Rescheduling when click-and-drag is not available

If your browser doesn't support click-and-drag on the calendar, or if you're looking to move the appointment to a different week, you can reschedule the appointment by editing it on your calendar.

(1) Go to Calendar

(2) Click on the appointment block you'd like to reschedule to edit it

(3) In the Edit Appointment dialog, click on the Date field to display a calendar

(4) Select a new date

(5) Click on the Time field to select a new start time from the menu

Note: You can also type a new start time in the field. Times can be entered
in 5 minute increments. (e.g., 9:00, 9:05, 9:10, 9:15, 9:20, etc.)

(6) Click Save

(7) The Reschedule Appointment dialog will prompt you with the option to Send notification or not. If you select Yes, the client will be sent a notification of their new appointment date and/or time by email.

(8) (Optional) If you choose to send notification, you can also add a custom message to the client for this appointment. This will be in addition to any custom messages you've set for all services or for any specific services.

(9) Click Save to reschedule the appointment

If the client doesn't have an email address or the client has opted out of receiving emails, the system will let you know that no email will be sent for the appointment. Click Save to move the appointment on your calendar.

Rescheduling with repeating appointments or classes

You are able to reschedule a single instance of a repeating series of appointments or classes or reschedule the entire repeating series from the instance you've selected going forward.

After you've clicked-and-dragged an instance to a new date & time, or edited the instance and selected a new date & time, click Save.

The Reschedule Appointment dialog will prompt you to update all future appointments in the series or not.

If you select Yes, that instance and all future instances will be updated according to the change. (e.g., if you reschedule from Wednesday at 1:00 pm to Thursday at 5:00 pm, all instances going forward will move to Thursdays.)

If you select No, only the instance that you are changing will be rescheduled.

Click Save to reschedule the appointment or the series

Rescheduling when a client doesn't have an email address

If the client doesn't have an email address or the client has opted out of receiving emails, the system will let you know when you click-and-drag the appointment to the new date and/or time that no email will be sent. Click Save to reschedule.

When you edit an appointment to reschedule for a client with no email address or opted out, the system will also let you know that no email will be sent. Click Save to reschedule.


Click-and-drag is not available in the Month view of the calendar. Click on an appointment to open/edit it to reschedule the appointment.

A past appointment cannot be rescheduled into the future. Any client notifications sent for a past appointment cannot be reset to be sent again. A new appointment must be set.

An upcoming appointment cannot be moved to the past.

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keywords: appointment, calendar, reschedule, rescheduling, move, moving, client, custom message, confirmation, reception, receptionist, scheduler, walk-in, phone

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