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About the Dashboard

An introduction to the dashboard on the Home page of the Schedulista web app

Matt Tucker avatar
Written by Matt Tucker
Updated over 4 months ago

Schedulista is online appointment scheduling software for your business that allows your clients to book with you 24/7. You are also able to schedule, cancel, or reschedule appointments for clients directly on your calendar.

While the Calendar and Clients page allow you to manage your appointments and clients, respectively, the Dashboard on the Home page provides a summary for appointment and financial information for your business to help monitor and manage your business performance.

The Dashboard is designed to offer a quick visual glance at how your business is doing at the moment. You can also access the dashboard on the Home tab in the mobile app.

It allows you to see information related to your appointments, including an agenda for the day, booking metrics, charts of appointments and financial information, a log of recent appointment activity on your account, and reports you can run to dig further into your appointment data.

What's on the Dashboard

Identifying the various elements on the Home page in the web app.

Each number below corresponds to the number in the image above.

1. Provider Selector (multi-user accounts only)

For a single user business account, all information on the Dashboard is for your user account. For a multi-user business, you can select which provider you want to look at. The default is the All Providers option to see information for the whole business account.

Click on Switch provider for the list of users to choose from.

Note: Users with Provider level of access will not have the Provider Selector on their Home page.

2. Next Up Agenda panel

The agenda panel provides you an overview of your current and upcoming appointment(s). It displays the the next upcoming appointment.

With the All Providers option selected on a multi-user account, the next upcoming appointment out of all of the providers is displayed.

If the next upcoming appointment has more than one appointment scheduled at the same time, all appointments at that time will be displayed.

The panel includes:

Single appointment

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

a) View calendar - This link will take you to the Calendar page

b) Day/Date - The blue label displays the day/date of the next upcoming appointment. If the appointment is within a week, you'll see the day name listed (e.g., "Tomorrow", "Monday", "Friday", etc.). If the appointment is more than a week out, you'll see the date listed.

  • In progress - If you have a current active appointment at the time you are checking the Home dashboard, it will display as "in progress" in a yellow label

c) Time - The time of the appointment is displayed to the left of the appointment information

d) Client - The client's name is displayed in bold

e) Service - The service booked for the appointment; includes amount if a price is added to the service

f) Provider - The name of the provider with which the appointment is booked

Clicking on the time or appointment information will open to the appointment on your calendar for full details.

Class appointment

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

g) Service - The name of the class service is displayed in bold

h) Client(s) - The name of the first attendee booked in the class. If more than one attendee is booked, the number of additional attendees is displayed in parentheses next to the first attendee. (e.g., "+1 other")

i) Provider - The name of the provider for the class

Clicking on the time or class information will open to the class on your calendar for full details.


Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

j) Recently completed - If you have a recently completed appointment, this will be marked in a green label with a checkmark above the next upcoming appointment.

k) Additional appointments - If you have additional appointments the same day as the currently displayed next upcoming appointment, a note in grey text will appear at the bottom of the agenda panel.

3. Appointment & Financial Chart panel

This chart panel graphs the number of appointments for the given week and summarizes the financial impact of those appointments. The chart will only display financial information if there are prices on your services.

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

a) Week - Identifies the week being viewed. The current week is labeled This Week. All past and future weeks are labeled by their date range.

b) Week Selector - Use the left and right arrow keeps to advance or go back a week at a time

c) Hide/Show - This toggle button allows you to quickly hide or show the financial information on the chart. You can use this if the computer or device on which you are viewing Schedulista is visible in a high-trafficked area, like a front desk or receptionist's desk.

d) Revenue Tab - If you have prices on your services and/or take payments, the Revenue tab appears first on the graph. For the current week (labeled This Week), the tab lists both Revenue to date, the amount from appointments that have been competed up to the date you're viewing the graph, and Total revenue for the week, the total amount made and to be made from all appointments for the week including upcoming appointments. On prior or future weeks, only the Total revenue is visible.

e) Revenue Graph - The line graph displays amount of revenue vertically by days of the week horizontally. You can hover over each part of the graph horizontally to see a summary of revenue and total appointments for that day. The green line and shading represent the revenue to date, while the grey shading and dashed line represent upcoming revenue.

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

f) Appointments Tab - This tab displays the total number of appointments scheduled for the week you are viewing.

g) Appointments Graph - When you click on the Appointments tab, the view changes to the Appointments graph. The line graph displays the number of appointments vertically by days of the week horizontally. You can hover over each part of the graph horizontally to see a summary of total appointments and revenue for that day. The green line and shading represent the completed appointments to date, while the grey shading and dashed line represent upcoming appointments.

4. Reports panel

A list of the various reports available.

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

a) Appointments - The Appointments report will take you to the reporting page to run, filter, and export reports on your appointment data.

b) No shows - The No shows report will take you to the No Show Appointments page to run, filter, and export reports on cancelled appointments marked as no-shows.

c) Daily deals - The Daily Deals report will take you to the Daily Deals Appointments page to see a list of appointments booked using the Daily Deal feature and the redemption codes entered for each appointment.

5. Metrics panel

A panel of statistics providing insight into your clients and how they schedule appointments.

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

a) Overview tab - This tab offers a list of numerical statistics regarding your scheduled appointments and clients.

b) Total Scheduled - A tally of the total number of appointments scheduled, both online by clients and set directly by providers. This tally does not include appointments that have been cancelled.

c) Scheduled by clients - The total number of appointments that have been booked by clients through the online scheduler. This number does not include appointments that have been cancelled.

d) Scheduled After Hours - The total number of appointments that have been booked by clients through the online scheduler outside of your set work hours. This number does not include appointments that have been cancelled.

e) Total clients - The total number of clients on your client list.

f) Clients with email addresses - The total number of clients on your client list with email addresses on their client records.

g) Client booked tab - This tab provides insight on client- and provider-scheduled appointments.

h) Scheduled chart - A pie chart breaking down the percentage of appointments booked in the last 7 days that were client-scheduled vs. provider-scheduled:

  • Inside Business Hours - Client-scheduled appointments that were booked online during your set work hours. This is based on the time that the appointment was created not the date/time for which the client has booked the appointment. For example, if your work hours are 9-5 Monday-Friday, an appointment created at 3:57 pm on Tuesday, August 15 for Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11:00 am has been booked by the client inside of your set business hours.

  • Outside Business Hours - Client-scheduled appointments that were booked online outside of your set work hours. This is also based on the time that the appointment was created. For example, if your work hours are 9-5 Monday-Friday, an appointment created at 1:23 am on Friday, September 3 for Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 4:00 pm has been booked by the client outside of your set business hours.

  • Provider Scheduled - Appointments set by provider(s).

6. Recent Activities panel

A log of appointment and class activity in descending chronological order, starting with the most recent activity. The log displays 4 activities on each page.

Each letter below corresponds to the letter in the image above.

a) Page Number - The current page of activities.

b) Page Selector - Use the left and right arrow keeps to advance or go back a page in the log

c) Activity Icon - Quickly and easily identify an activity done for appointments and classes by a series of icons. The action of the activity is also included in the text.

Scheduled/Booked Appointment Icon - Appointments booked by clients online or set by provider(s) directly on calendar(s) are identified by a calendar page icon marked by a green added logo.

Scheduled Class/Joined Class/Added to Class Icon - Classes scheduled on your calendar (by a provider directly on the calendar or by a client online) and new attendees joining a class online or added to a class by a provider are identified by a group icon marked by a green added logo.

Rescheduled Appointment/Class Icon - Rescheduled appointments or classes are identified by a calendar page icon marked by a yellow shifting arrows logo.

Cancelled Appointment Icon - Cancelled appointments are identified by a calendar page icon marked by a red X logo.

Cancelled Class/Left Class/Removed from Class Icon - Classes cancelled by a provider and attendees who have left a class online or have been removed from a class by a provider are identified by a group icon marked by a red X logo.

d) Date Stamp - The date that the activity occurred.

e) Actor Identifier - Identifying who performed the activity

  • Client - An activity performed by the client, scheduling or cancelling an appointment

  • You - An activity performed by you

  • Other Provider - On a multi-user account, an activity performed by another provider with the name of the provider when viewing All Providers. When viewing data for a specific provider, only that provider's activities will be displayed.

f) Activity - Explanation of the activity that has occurred. Tap on the activity to view the appointment on the calendar.

Scheduled - An activity explaining that a client (in bold) has booked an appointment online or a provider set an appointment for a client directly on a calendar. Includes the service name, the provider, and the date of the appointment.

Scheduled Class - An activity explaining that a provider has added a class directly to a calendar to make it available to book through the online scheduler.

Joined Class - An activity explaining that a client (in bold) has joined a class by scheduling online; or a provider has added a client to a class as an attendee. Includes the name of the class service, the provider, the date of the class, and a fraction indicating the number of seats booked out of the total number of seats in the class (i.e., 2/10 is 2 seats booked out of 10 total seats).

Rescheduled - An activity explaining that an appointment for a client (in bold) has been rescheduled by a provider. Includes the service name, the provider, the date of the original appointment, and the rescheduled date.

Rescheduled Class - An activity explaining that a class has been rescheduled by a provider. No client is included in the activity. Includes the service name, the provider, the original date of the class, and the rescheduled date.

Cancelled - An activity explaining that a client (in bold) has cancelled an appointment online. Includes the service name, the provider, and the date of the cancelled appointment.

Left Class - An activity explaining that a client (in bold) has cancelled an appointment in a class online. Includes the service name, the provider, and the date of the cancelled class appointment.

Removed - An activity explaining that a client (in bold) has been removed from a class by a provider. Includes the service name, the provider, and the date of the removal.

Cancelled Class - An activity explaining that a provider has cancelled a class. Includes the service name, the provider, the date of the cancelled class, and a fraction indicating the number of attendees in the class at the time the class was cancelled (i.e., 2/10 is 2 seats booked out of 10 total seats). When a class is cancelled no activities are logged for the individual clients/attendees in the class.

g) Repeating Appointment Status - A label for an appointment that is part of a repeating series. The end date of the repeating series is included, unless the series is set to Never end. The status indicates if the repeating series is daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and the frequency of the repeating type (e.g., every 4 days, every 2 weeks, every 3 months, every 5 years, etc.).

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