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Daily Deal - How to require coupon codes for services like Groupon
Daily Deal - How to require coupon codes for services like Groupon

Setting a coupon redemption code field for daily offer services

Felix Livni avatar
Written by Felix Livni
Updated over a week ago

If you run a Groupon, Living Social, or other daily deal type of offer, you can set your Schedulista account to collect voucher numbers or coupon redemption codes. Setting up a service as a Daily Deal will require clients to enter a number or code when scheduling an appointment.

 You will be able to generate a report for any deals you offer to reconcile with your deal service.

Contents in this article:

  • Note about the Daily Deal feature

  • Setting up a Daily Deal

  • What the client sees

  • Verifying the redemption code

  • Daily Deal reports

Note about the Daily Deal feature

The Daily Deal feature can only be set when creating a new service. The feature is not available on an existing service.  If you'd like to set a Daily Deal for an existing service, you'll need to create a new service and copy over the information.

Once the Daily Deal has been set, it cannot be altered. You would need to delete the existing Daily Deal service and create a new one to make changes.

Setting up a Daily Deal

(1) Go to the Settings > Services / Classes / Events

(2) Click Add Service to create a new service

(3) Enter your service information (name, price, duration, description, etc.)

(4) Scroll down to the Daily Deal section

(5) Click the No button to change it to Yes

(6) Select the Type of daily deal from the drop-down menu: Groupon or Other

(7) Enter a Deal name

Note: The deal name is used in reporting. See the Reports section below. 

(9) Under Providers Offering Service, check the box of which provider(s) are offering the Daily Deal

(10) Click Save at the bottom of the page

What the client sees

The client will be required to enter a coupon redemption code or Groupon redemption code when scheduling a service.

Verifying the redemption code

When you click and open a Daily Deal service appointment on your Calendar, you will see a the coupon redemption code listed.

Daily Deal reports

You can find the Daily Deal Report on the Home page.

In the Daily Deals panel, click the List of appointments from daily deals link to run the report.

The Daily Deal Report lists all of the coupon redemptions, grouped by the different deals you've offered.

keywords: daily deal, service, Groupon, Living Social, coupon, redemption, code, special offer

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