The Class feature in Schedulista is perfect for services with multiple attendees. Classes can be added directly to your calendar on specific dates and times to make them available or offered wherever you have availability on your schedule.
You can adjust the max capacity of an existing class to close off any remaining spots or to open additional spots for more clients to book.
When you create a class, you set the default maximum class size ("max capacity") for each time you add a class to your calendar or a client creates a class by booking through the online scheduler.
You may want or need to adjust the max capacity of a specific class once it is booked.
(1) Go to your Calendar
(2) Locate the appointment and click on it to edit
(3) In the Edit Appointment dialog, scroll down to Max Capacity
(4) In the field, you'll see the default capacity. Enter a new number to change the capacity for just that class.
Note: The current number of booked attendees will be listed beside the
(5) Click Save
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