If you are an acupuncturist and schedule overlapping appointments with clients, here's how you can set up Schedulista to work for you.
Step 1 - Duration
You will want to set the duration of the service to last the length of the interval between appointments.
For example, if a client comes in every 20 minutes, you can just make the service last 20 minutes. Clients will not see how long the appointment lasts in Schedulista, they will just see available start times.Β
(1) Go to Settings > Services / Classes / Events
(2a) Click Edit next to an existing service; or
(2b) Click Add Service to create a new service
(3) Scroll down to Duration and select the length
(4) Click Save at the bottom of the page
Step 2 - Scheduling Interval
Next, You will want to set the scheduling interval (how often your offer available appointment times to clients).
For our example, we'll set "every 20 minutes" as the interval.
(1) Go to Settings > Scheduling Policies
(2) Scroll down to the Available Appointment Times section
(3) Select the scheduling interval ("every 20 minutes")
(4) Click Save at the bottom of the page
What clients see
The client will not see how long the appointment lasts in Schedulista. They will just see available start times.
βNote: You can add the service duration in the service name or service description if you'd like your clients to know the length of their appointment. (e.g., "Acupuncture Visit - 20 Minutes")
What you'll see
After an appointment is scheduled, you will see the start times for that client in your calendar.
βkeywords: getting started, setup, acupuncture, acupuncturist, instructions