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About Follow-Up Emails

Automatically send emails after appointments in Schedulista

Matt Tucker avatar
Written by Matt Tucker
Updated over a week ago

Schedulista sends automated confirmation emails and reminder emails prior to appointments to provide them information about their upcoming appointment, as well as remind them of the appointment so they don't miss it.

We also offer automated follow-up emails that can be sent after an appointment has been completed.

Benefits of follow-up emails

  • Say thanks to clients for using your services

  • Encourage clients to book their next appointment

  • Include additional information clients should know following their appointment

  • Provide links to review sites or services for your business


You can enable follow-up emails on the Follow-Up Emails page in account settings.

By default, they are set to be sent after every appointment, but you can choose the circumstance under which the emails are sent.

The emails include your business logo, if you've added one, and your business name. We also automatically include the greeting and use the first name on the client record (e.g., "Hi Bob"). You create the full text of the message you want to send.

You can create multiple follow-up emails. The emails can be set for all services or by specific service.

Follow-up email limitations

There is no limitation to the length of a follow-up email, though we recommend short, succinct messages to present information to your clients.

The emails have a set subject line that cannot be changed.
Files and images cannot be added. You can add links to webpages for clients to visit, to files to download, or to online folders for clients to upload files.

Notes on links and formatting text

You can use limited HTML markup to add links or style the text in the custom message.

Links (more info)

When you paste a URL (ex. into the custom message field and save, it will automatically convert to a link on the summary page and in the emails. You can also use the HTML anchor tags (<a>) to hyperlink words. (e.g., <a href="">Click here</a> = Click here)

Text formatting (more info)

To format your text, the following markup is available: Bold (<b>), Strong Importance (<strong>), Italicize (<i>), Emphasize (<em>), Underline (<u>), Strikethrough (<s>)

Lists (more info)

You can also add unordered lists (with bullets) or ordered lists (with numbers) using the <ul> and <ol> HTML tags.

Note: Schedulista does not host any images, documents, or files to download. Schedulista also does not have storage for clients to uploadfiles while booking. You can include links from other websites or cloud storage services to download or upload.

Circumstance settings

By default, once enabled, follow-up emails are sent after every appointment in the morning after the appointment. You can adjust the circumstance that a follow-up email is sent with the following options:

  • Only for specific services - You can set a follow-up email to only be sent for specific services. This allows you to select which services.

  • Only if client has no upcoming appointments - With this option, if a client has already booked another appointment, the follow-up email won't be sent.

  • Only if [menu options] - You can set a follow-up email to be sent only after specific appointments:

    • first appointment - Sends the follow-up email only if the appointment is the client's first appointment

    • second appointment - Sends the follow-up email only if the appointment is the client's second appointment

    • third appointment - Sends the follow-up email only if the appointment is the client's third appointment

    • at least second appointment - Sends follow-up emails after every appointment only if it is at least the client's second appointment

    • at least third appointment - Sends follow-up emails after every appointment only if it is at least the client's third appointment

Long-term follow-up with Mailchimp

For longer term follow-up email campaigns, like contacting clients months after their last appointment to remind them to book their next appointment, our integration with the Mailchimp email marketing service can help.

More information

Creating follow-up emails

Stopping follow-up emails

​keywords: email, emails, communications, clients, follow-up, appointment, thank you, custom

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