The Location feature for services allows you to specify alternate locations from your regular business address for each of your services.
This is perfect for a single service provider working at multiple locations or businesses with users at different locations to let clients know the specific location for their appointment.
For example, a massage therapist working at two different offices can set the location of services offered at the second location.
(1) Go to Settings > Services / Classes / Events
(2a) Click Add Service to create a new service, or
(2b) Click Edit next to an existing service
(3) Scroll down to the Location section
(4) Select Alternate location
(5) Enter the address or location in the text field and select the match from the search results
(6) Click Save at the bottom of the page
On the appointment summary page and in the confirmation and reminder emails the client receives after scheduling, the address and the associated Google map will reflect the alternate location.
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